Національний музей історії України Скарбниця НМІУ Пам’ятки ювелірного мистецтва 4–14 ст. [ДМ-1803]
Підвіска (Національний музей історії України CC BY-NC-SA)
Происхождение/Права: Національний музей історії України (CC BY-NC-SA)
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The pendant is hollow drop-shaped with a through hole in height. The surface of the pendant is divided by belts into eight trapezoidal ornamental fields. The belts are latticed, the square cells are filled with green inlay. Holes for attaching additional pendants or pearls are located at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal belts. Fields with blue and white enamel background alternate. White enamel fields are filled with images of numerous four-pointed red crosses. The blue fields are filled with a plant ornament, which can tentatively be called a complex palmette. The partitions forming the pattern are extremely thin: their thickness is approximately 0.0175 mm.
A similar pendant is kept in the Dumbarton Oaks collection in Washington. The color, decorative motifs and jewelry technique combine the pendant with a group of apparently Constantinople partitioned enamels from the Metropolitan Museum, the Princeton University Art Museum, Vyšebrodsk Monastery, National Archaeological Museum of Taranto-Marta, Cluny Museum-National Museum of the Middle Ages.
Combination of such decorative elements is also found on the plates of the diadem, decorated with partitioned enamels, which were part of the treasure found in 1900 near the village of Sakhnivka in the Cherkasy region.
Drop-shaped pendants were the basis of complex temple decorations of ryasna or perpendulii, they could be used as separate pendants for a headdress. On the kolts from the Myropil treasure (stored in our museum) syryns are depicted in triangular crowns reminiscent of stephanos. Drop-shaped pendants are probably attached with chains depicted by thin gold partitions to the upper part of the crowns on the sides.
They could also be elements of breast ornaments. Pendants of a similar shape could be sewn onto clothing, in particular on the edge of the loros, a kind of scarf that became part of the imperial outfit as a legacy of the Roman scarf of the consuls.


Gold, enamel, cloisonné enamel


h 20,5, d 16,5 mm


Фінансування здійснюється зі Стабілізаційного фонду культури та освіти 2023 Федеральним міністерством закордонних справ Німеччини та Goethe-Institut.
Funded by the Stabilisation Fund for Culture and Education of the German Federal Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institut.


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  • Рябцева С.С. (2010): Об одном типе средневековых ювелирных украшений XII-XVI вв. Revista Arheologocă, serie nouă, vol. V, nr. 1. – Chišinau
  • Рябцева С.С. (2011): Древнерусские подвески-рясна и их аналоги в Карпатско-Балканском регионе. Музейні читання. Матеріали наукової конференції «Ювелірне мистецтво – погляд крізь віки». 15-17 листопада 2010 р. - Київ
  • Хардаев В.М. (2015): Грузинские перегородчатые эмали из коллекции Музея исторических драгоценностей Украины: работа мастеров Грузии или Византии? Ювелирное искусство и материальная культура. – СПб.
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