Національний музей історії України Фалеристика [МДМ-1431/24]
Знак 1-ї стрілецько-козацької (Сірожупанної) дивізії (Національний музей історії України CC BY-NC-SA)
Происхождение/Права: Національний музей історії України (CC BY-NC-SA)
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Badge of the 1st Cossack Riflemen (Syrozhupanna) Division

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The sign has the form of a heraldic shield, the figure of Archangel Michael with a shield is superimposed.
On the front side, in the center of the sign, on a background of red enamel, the figure of the Archangel Michael with a sword in his right hand, raised to the bottom, is superimposed. In his left hand, the Archangel holds a heraldic pentagonal shield with a straight top, on which, against a background of blue enamel, is depicted a yellow Galician lion with a crown on its head, striding to the left. Rays diverge from the image of Archangel Michael. Above, over the head of Archangel Michael, there is a yellow trident. Around the edges of the sign is a yellow metal frame.
The surface of the reverse side of the sign is smooth, without images and inscriptions. The overlay (figure of Archangel Michael) is fixed on one pin. Fastening in the form of a pin with the point down.
In 1918, after the conclusion of the Peace of Brest, the Austrian authorities decided to form a separate division from Ukrainian prisoners of war to support
of the Central Rada. It received the official name of the 1st Cossack-Striletskaya, and in accordance with the gray uniform - the unofficial name "Sirozhupanniki". In the summer of 1918, the fully formed division came under the leadership of Hetman P. Skoropadskyi and was sent to Chernihiv Oblast to guard the Ukrainian-Soviet border. In November 1918, the division became part of the Active Army of the Ukrainian People's Republic and took part in military operations in Chernihiv Oblast, Polissia, and Volyn.


Yellow metal, enamel, stamping, enameling


h 20,3, w 13,9 mm


  • Viktor L. Konyago, Jrest V. Ladyzhynsky (2014): The Legion of Ukraian Sich Riflemen Badges, Medals, and Other Items. Toronto
  • Рудиченко А., Тинченко Я. (2011): Награды и знаки национальных армий и правительств. Киев
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Юрій Балицький – український художник та графік
1913 1950
Національний музей історії України

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