Національний музей історії України Скарбниця НМІУ Пам’ятки ювелірного мистецтва доби бронзи та раннього заліза [АЗС-2358]
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Происхождение/Права: Національний музей історії України (CC BY-NC-SA)
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Scythian Bowl

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The Scythians often hid the most valuable things from robbers. This was also the case with the bowl from the mound of Gaimanova Tomb. It was found in the hiding place of the northern crypt of the ancestral tomb of the Scythian ruler. It has a hemispherical shape with a vertically narrow rim and two horizontal handles attached to the body with silver rivets. The upper part of the handles is covered with a thin golden layer and decorated with relief images of two ram heads turned in opposite directions. The handles have through holes for hanging the bowl from the belt. The bottom of the bowl is decorated with a geometric ornament common in ancient toreutics. On the main part there is a frieze with a relief composition of six figures of Scythian warriors on the background of a rocky terrain (the width of the frieze is 70 mm). The central composition is the negotiations of two elites at banquet (this side of the bowl is very damaged). On the opposite side, there are figures of two elderly warriors in ceremonial costumes, sitting half-turned to each other. The former holds a rod, the latter - a kanchuk. A sword, a quiver, two shields and other weapons are nearby. Two more figures are engraved under the handles. Abearded Scythian with a mustache and long hair holds his head with one hand, as if he is struck by something. From the opposite side a young man stands on his knees and holds a wineskin in his hands. The images on the bowl impress with their extraordinary craftsmanship, realism in the interpretation. The master carefully highlighted the individual features of each character, as well as the smallest details of costumes and other items. All figures are made on a silver base and gilded.
The appearance of the characters, luxurious clothes, ceremonial military equipment, attributes of higher power (mace, whip, cup, hryvna) indicate that the cup depicts representatives of higher power - Scythian "kings" or tribal leaders.
Regarding the interpretation of the plot, there are several plausible hypotheses. In general, they are reduced to the interpretation of the plot, as scenes of the conclusion of peace, or surrender, or related to the heroic epic, reflected in historical legends and folk epics. Researchers who examined the scene depicted on the bowl noted that it has great scientific interest for studying various aspects of the life of the Scythians and their customs.


Silver, gilding, forging, punching, chasing


h 97, d 105 mm


Фінансування здійснюється зі Стабілізаційного фонду культури та освіти 2023 Федеральним міністерством закордонних справ Німеччини та Goethe-Institut.
Funded by the Stabilisation Fund for Culture and Education of the German Federal Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institut.


  • Бидзиля В.И. (1969-70/37): Отчет о работе Северо-Рогачикской экспедиции Института археологии АН УССР за 1969-1970 гг. Часть I. Гайманова Могила. Науковий архів ІА НАН України
  • Бидзиля В.И., Полин С.В. (2012): Скифский царский курган Гайманова Могила. Киев
  • Бідзіля В.І. (1971): Дослідження Гайманової Могили. Археологія. Вип. 1
  • Група авторів. (2004): Музей історичних коштовностей України. Київ
  • Ильинская В.А., Тереножкин А.И. (1983): Скифия VII – IV вв. до н.э. Киев
  • Колектив авторів (1999): Золота скарбниця України. Київ
  • Підвисоцька О.П. (1998): Про зображення на чаші з Гайманової Могили/. Музейні читання. Матеріали міжнародної наукової конференції. – Київ
Изготовлено Изготовлено
Північне Причорномор'я
Найдено Найдено
Бідзіля Василь Іванович (1936
село Балки
Захоронено Захоронено
Курган Гайманова Могила, Запорізька обл., Україна
-401 1971
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