Національний музей історії України Скарбниця НМІУ Пам’ятки ювелірного мистецтва доби бронзи та раннього заліза [АЗС-3754/2]
Нащічник. Прикраса кінської вузди (Національний музей історії України CC BY-NC-SA)
Происхождение/Права: Національний музей історії України (CC BY-NC-SA)
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Cheekpiece of Horse Bridle Decoration

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The cheekpiece is a shaped plate with a relief image of a full-face figure of a man with a dagger in his right hand. With his left hand he grabs the lion, which stands on its hind legs and leans on a man. Above the man's head there is an arc-shaped rim with vertical notches, behind his shoulders there are wings with feathers, which are emphasized by engraving. Part of the left and lower edges of the plate have an wavy ornament, and the right – horizontal notches. The reverse has two horizontal plate loops, each attached to the plate by four silver rivets with hemispherical heads. Two rivets (upper) have been completely preserved.
These silver horse trappings include a shaped noseband with chased ornament and a lion-head protome; two cheekstrap plaques decorated with a combat scene between a lion and a winged deity; four square plates; two discs; two conical studs and a ring.
Horses were an essential part of Scythian everyday life, which was reflected in their burial ritual. The royal barrows of the kings of steppes are carrying tens, sometimes hundreds, of horse graves with bronze, silver and gold sets of bridle pieces.
Fourteen horse graves were found in Ohuz barrow. They were accompanying Scythian kings to the afterlife. A wife (or a daughter) of a Scythian king was buried in the North burial site of the barrow, so the gold adornments and appliques were dominating among the findings: approximately six thousand pieces in total. TThree horse skeletons wereing at the entrance, each decorated with the silver “Thracian typebridle. Such products were widely distributed in the North Black Sea region in the 4th century BCE thanks to the contacts with Thracia.
Essential and attractive parts of this set are the cheekpieces with an image of a winged deity or a hero-forefather fighting a beast, scenery typical to Indo-European mythology. There are images relatable to the religious and magical believes of the Scythians on the other parts of the bridle. Shaped plaques with the stylised image of the four gryphon heads are connected with the sun deity cult by form and meaning. It is likely that the gryphon heads and other images were thought to offer protection for both horse and rider.


Silver, casting, chasing


Length: 59 mm, Width: 130 mm, Weight: 64.5 g


Фінансування здійснюється зі Стабілізаційного фонду культури та освіти 2023 Федеральним міністерством закордонних справ Німеччини та Goethe-Institut.
Funded by the Stabilisation Fund for Culture and Education of the German Federal Foreign Office and the Goethe-Institut.

Часть из/от


  • Болтрик Ю.В. (1980-81/22): Отчет о раскопках кургана Огуз. Науковий архів ІАНАНУ за 1980 р.
  • Болтрик, Ю. В., Фиалко, Е. Е. (2016): История исследования кургана Огуз. Старожитності степового Причорномор’я і Криму , ХIХ
  • Болтрик, Ю., Фіалко, О (2005): Кінь як складова поховальної церемонії скіфів. Старожитності степового Причорномор’я і Криму, ХІІ
  • Фиалко Е.Е. (1994): Погребальный комплекс кургана Огуз. Древности Скифов.- Київ
Изготовлено Изготовлено
Найдено Найдено
Болтрик, Юрій Вікторович
Нижние Серогозы
Захоронено Захоронено
Курган Огуз поблизу смт. Нижні Сірогози, Херсонська область
-401 1982
Національний музей історії України

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